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About Alex:

I am a postgraduate student working at Swansea University to complete my research project. This project aims to characterize bacteria associated with microalgae and select algal growth-promoting strains using high throughput screening. These bacterial strains could then contribute to large scale algal cultivation leading to an innovative, sustainable biotech solution. I am primarily interested in marine vegetation (micro- or macro-) and the important roles they play in marine ecosystems. 


I am currently completing a Biosciences MRes at Swansea University. I completed my undergraduate degree, Marine and Freshwater Biology BSc, at Aberystwyth University. My undergraduate dissertation was focused on the genetic structure of a key stone seagrass species around a remote island in the mid Aegean. I collected samples for this project during a 6-month internship with Archipelagos Insitute of Marine Conservation. During this internship I developed an interest in research and curating projects with sustainable or conservation aims / motivations.

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